Tayto Group, the largest British-owned crisp and snack manufacturer, produces over five million packs a day across seven UK sites and recently chose MY Compliance Management to support their growing teams as part of their continual improvement for Health and Safety.


“In (the) six months we’ve been using MY Compliance Management, it’s provided a real shift in the culture. It has made my job, and that of many other people so much simpler, and the added value it provides is priceless. I can’t recommend MY Compliance Management enough.”
  - Health & Safety Manager (Tayto)


The Health & Safety Manager for Tayto Group has shared the reasons for their choice below.

What made you look for a new solution?
“We used to do everything on spreadsheets, and so much gets missed. Our old spreadsheets took up so much time, and the reporting was always behind. That’s often the case with spreadsheet systems. You’re relying on someone updating the spreadsheet, probably from a paper form, and then sending out a report - so outdated!”

With MY Compliance Management, and the suite of Apps, any user can raise an incident and it’s instantly reported …. so much admin time has simply vanished!“

What made you look for a new solution?
“We used to do everything on spreadsheets, and so much gets missed. Our old spreadsheets took up so much time, and the reporting was always behind. That’s often the case with spreadsheet systems. You’re relying on someone updating the spreadsheet, probably from a paper form, and then sending out a report - so outdated!”

With MY Compliance Management, and the suite of Apps, any user can raise an incident and it’s instantly reported …. so much admin time has simply vanished!“

How did you find the implementation process?
“I had looked at other systems that have to be set up by the provider, and at a cost to the client. Not so with MY Compliance. I had it up and running in a couple of days, so was pleasantly surprised by how simple the setup was. There’s a degree of customisation that can be applied as well.”

What benefits has implementing MY Compliance Management brought?
“People on the shop floor absolutely love it, and so many of them have become really engaged with Health & Safety when they were indifferent before. I’ve found it gives people a real sense of involvement, because they actually are involved by putting incidents on the system themselves, and they can raise and assign actions on the system while carrying out audits.”

What benefits has implementing MY Compliance Management brought?
“People on the shop floor absolutely love it, and so many of them have become really engaged with Health & Safety when they were indifferent before. I’ve found it gives people a real sense of involvement, because they actually are involved by putting incidents on the system themselves, and they can raise and assign actions on the system while carrying out audits.”

 How do you find the support?
“The customer service is proper customer service, a rare thing these days. I can’t recommend MY Compliance Management enough.”


And the price?
“The price you see is the price you get, and there’s no hidden costs. In these times, we need to operate as efficiently as we can, and keep costs down. MY Compliance Management certainly helps with that.”