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Action Tracking

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Adding an Action

Available for user levels:

  • Account Adminstrator
  • Manager
  • Standard User

To add an Action:

  1. Click the Add Action button
  2. Complete the fields
  3. Assign Users
  4. Click Save

An email will be sent to the Assigned Users when you save the Action, and an alert will be added to their portal. If the Action is not completed by the due date, the creator of the Action and the assigned users will be notified by email and another alert.

Below you will see our simple Action form. Please see information below.


This is your basic Action form. Title and Details are straight forward. You can then add a group (see below) or assign this action to a user or multiple users should you need to. Please note - if you add more than one user to an action, this will then create an action per assignee to be completed.


When raising Actions we can also assign an 'Escalation' contact, this person will be notified that the action has been missed once the due date has passed, you can use this to chase up your action completion.


Should you need to, you can also add documents to actions by selecting "Add a document"

An Account Admin will be able to view all actions in the system whereas a standard user will only see actions assigned to them. Once the action is created, it will look like this: