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Training Records

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Training Manager Overview

Available for user levels:

  • Account Adminstrator
  • Manager
  • Standard User

Ensure Compliance is at the heart of everything you do with our Training Manager. Ensure your colleagues are trained for the role they do on a day to day basis using our ‘roles’. Ensure your training records are kept up to date with our automated reminders. Book your colleagues on a training course and make sure they take responsibility giving them access to view their own record. Save time by using our ‘Import’ function putting everything from your Excel sheet into MY Compliance Management. 

Managing training records for all your employees, making sure they are up to date and ensuring your requirements are met can be a time-consuming job. 

You can use our training manager to book your colleagues training and award them their certificates in one place. You can upload the valid certificate for each user and set a renewal date if the training requires re-attendance. 

Did you know? You can also report out of our training manager with our ‘Manage reports’ function 
so you can view your key personnel or pick the right person for the job. Do you want to view all
of your employees in one document? Use our ‘Export Training Matrix’ feature to get a full overview
of the training in your business.