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Incident and Accident Reports

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Setting up the Incidents Module

Available for user levels:

  • Account Adminstrator
  • Manager

Creating a Register

First you would Create a Register (Think of a register like an Accident/Incident book).

You can have as many register’s as you like on the system, but we advise you keep it as one accident book unless you have different sites/locations in which you may want a separate register for.

Creating Areas, types and creating an incident form.

Next, you would create your areas e.g. Shop floor, Loading Bay, Warehouse, Equipment room etc.

The next step is to then create your types. E.g. Burns/Scalds, Accident (RIDDOR re portable), Customer Complaint, Slip, trip and fall.

The initial process of creating an incident is straightforward providing you have set the background up correctly, so before creating your incident you need to consider:

Severity ratings – You can edit these by going to Options > Manage Severity Ratings.

Category – To add a custom Category to your Incidents go to Options > Manage Categories.

Area and Types – Hopefully you will have already set these up.

Root Cause Category – To add Root Causes got to Options > Manage Root Cause Categories

Add a contractor to an Incident – Go to Modules > Contractor Management

Once you have entered these details you are ready to create your incident. The first part of this form is straightforward. Once completed the form will be sent for submission.

Custom Fields

Custom fields are a new feature to the system allowing you to customise your standard Incident form. These fields are dependent on the Category assigned to an Incident. Below you will see an example of this. To create and manage your custom fields you go to Options > Manage fields.

Below are the available 'Custom field types' in our system. 

**Only Acc Admin and manager users can create Custom Fields.

Once you have added your custom fields you will then have the option to edit, delete or add options depending on the field type (single, multi choice)