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Non-Conformance Management

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NCR Module Overview

Available for user levels:

  • Account Adminstrator
  • Manager
  • Standard User

As we’re not always perfect, despite every effort to be, some elements of your business may sometimes fall short of your own requirements or your legal obligations. To ensure a continued forward motion to comply in all areas and show improvement it is essential to rectify all non-conforming elements.

Our Non-Conformance module allows reports to be created, tracked, actioned and reviewed on a continual basis. 

As no business is exactly the same, we allow you to create your own types of non-conformance and call them what you like. For each type you can create your own non-conformance form to be completed allowing custom fields to be added and reported against.

The simple graphical interface displays areas in need of your attention and how quickly they have been dealt with. Create your own reports to display your chosen data in a number of formats including live dashboards, pdf, csv and tables.

On creation of a non-conformance email notifications are sent to alert the relevant users to verify it, then add preventative actions, documents and notes through to a resolution statement with root cause analysis.

Our Non-Conformance module provides:

  • Custom forms based on NCR type
  • Mobile app - offline reporting and take photos
  • Full cycle reporting from creation to closure
  • Easy view dashboards
  • Email alerts on creation
Did you know? It’s not just NCR’s it can be used to record and track anything within your workplace.
Examples of this with current clients are positive intervention, customer complaints,
property/vehicle damage, safety observations, the list is endless so give it a try.