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Contractor Management

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Contractor Management Overview

Available for user levels:

  • Account Adminstrator
  • Manager
  • Standard User

Keeping track of all of contractors, suppliers and vendors compliance can be an uphill struggle sometimes especially as each one may have 5, 10, 20 requirements each. These could include various insurance certificates, training documents, RAMS, licenses and a whole host more, each of these having its own expiry date.

This amount of information can quickly lead to outdated documents and missed expiry dates, which could lead to severe repercussions in the worst cases.

MY Compliance Management provides a simple tool to track all compliance requirements that your contractors, suppliers and vendors may have, sending email reminders and expiry alerts to selected users prompting them to take action.

Create your contractors and assign them any requirements they need, set expiry and custom reminder dates against each requirement, then upload the document. Allocate ‘Services’ to your contractors for easy sorting and identification.

Our Contractor module offers;

  • Traffic light overview system to display compliance has been achieved
  • Add new and manage document history for each requirement
  • Email notification for reminders and expiry dates
  • Unlimited incident/accident entries
Did you know? You can create your own assessment criteria to score your contractors,
suppliers and vendors allowing you to monitor KPI’s and performance over time.