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Environmental Aspects

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Aspects Module Overview

Available for user levels:

  • Account Adminstrator
  • Manager
  • Standard User

As part of your commitment to ISO 14001, or as a company aware of your responsibilities to reducing your environmental impact you will have some form of Aspects register.

With MY Compliance Management you can manage all your environmental aspects, monitoring significance and impact in order to reduce them over time.

The Environmental Aspects and Impacts module enables organisations to identify, assess, rank, and track significant environmental aspects and impacts while providing quantifiable significance scoring calculated for each aspect/impact combination.

The module systematically walks users through the identification of environmental aspects and enables them to easily manage their listings of aspects and impacts. Significant aspects are easily identified by score and are viewable online, anywhere and anytime you need them. Navigating through registers of aspects and impacts is easy and can be done by searching by keyword as well as sorting by any data field.

There is no limit on the number of registers you can have, you can copy an existing register for a new project and archive them on completion. Always maintaining the data ready for an audit.

Create your auditable aspects register(s) now. With our software there is no restriction to the number you can have, and ensure you fully comply with your ISO 14001 requirements.