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H&S Accident
H&S Incident
H&S Near Miss
H&S Safety Concern
H&S Positive Observation
H&S Observation
Marine Accident
Marine Incident
Marine Near Miss
Marine Safety Concern
Marine Safety Observation
Environmental Incident
Environmental Near Miss
Environmental Concern
Environmental Observation
Marine Spill
1 - Critical
2 - Major
3 - Moderate
4 - Minor
Record Injured Persons details?
About the injured person
Job Title
Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
Post code
Employee of company
Employed by someone else
On a Training Scheme
On work experience
Self employed at work
Member of the Public
Has this person given consent for their employer to disclose their personal information and details of the accident to safety representatives for them to carry out safety functions required by law?
Injured Area
Incident date*
Incident time*
16 Regent Quay
Albert Basin
Albert Quay 1- 5
Albert Quay Bunker Berth
Atlantic Quay
Balmoral Quay
Blaikies Quay
Castlegate Quay
Central roadway
Clipper Quay
Commercial Quay East
Commercial Quay West
Crathes Quay
Crown Wall
Dry Dock Area
Dunnottar Quay
Duthies Quay
Entrapment Due to Narrow Passages
Eurolink Linkspan
Eurolink pontoon
Gregness Breakwater
Halls Quay
Harbour Vessels
Installation Berth
Jamiesons Quay
Maintenance Workshops
Marine Operations Centre
Matthews Cross Berth
Matthews Quay
Mearns Quay 1 - 3
Navigation Channel
Nord Centre
North Breakwater (NH)
North Harbour Approaches
Pacific Quay
Palmerston Fish market
Pocra Base
Pocra Quay
Point Law Cross Berth
Regent Quay 1-4
Regent Road
River Dee
Russells Quay
Shed 1
Shed 2
Shed 3
Shed 4
Shed 5
Shed 6
Shed 8
Shed 9
South Breakwater (NH)
South Harbour Approaches
South Harbour Basin
Telford Dock
The Silver Darling
Tidal Harbour
Torry Quay 1 - 6
Trinity Quay
Turning Basin
Upper Dock
Upper Dock Cross Berth
Victoria Dock
Waterloo Goods Yard
Weighbridge A
Weighbridge B
Weather conditions (if applicable)
Incident type*
Act of violence
Adverse Weather Impact
Animal Hazard (Encounters with wildlife or invasive species)
Back Injury from Incorrect Lifting Techniques
Breach of Environmental Protection Laws
Cargo Handling Equipment Damage (Forklifts, Reach Stackers)
Chemical Spills During Maintenance (Lubricants, Solvents)
Collision Between Port Equipment and Vehicles
Contact - Fixed Object
Contact with electricity or electrical discharge
Contact with moving machinery
Contact with Moving Vessel During Mooring
Contact with Skin or Eyes During Spill Cleanup
Contact/Collision with Vehicle
Contamination of land, flora, fauna
Contamination of Water Supply or Marine Environment
Crane or Lifting Equipment Failure
Crushing Injuries During Mooring Operations
Crushing Injuries from Collapsed Cargo Loads
Crushing Injuries from Collapsed Hoses or Pipes
Damage to equipment / tool / infrastructure
Discharge of Ballast Water Containing Non-Native Species
Diving Incident
Dockside Infrastructure Damage (Berths, Quay Walls, etc.)
Dropped Tools or Materials from Height
Dropping Heavy Loads on Hands or Feet
Drowning or Asphyxiation
Electrical Contact While Working on Roofs (E.g., Power Lines)
Electrical Faults or Short Circuits During Repairs
Emission to Air of Gas, Dust, Fumes, or Other Pollutants
Engulfment by Liquids or Solids in Tanks or Pits
Entanglement of Hands or Feet in Mooring Lines
Environmental Compliance Failures (Specific SEPA Regulations)
Environmental Concern
Equipment failure / malfunction
Equipment Failure in Confined Spaces
Explosion Risk During Maintenance on Fuel Systems
Exposure to Contaminated Water or Hazardous Chemicals
Exposure to Extreme Weather Conditions (Hypothermia, Heat Stress)
Exposure to Fire or Explosion
Exposure to Hazardous Substances (E.g., Paint Fumes, Cleaning Agents)
Exposure to Toxic Vapours from Spilled Oil
Exposure to, or Contact with, Harmful Substances
Failure of Bollards, Winches, or Capstans
Failure of Fall-Arrest Systems
Failure of Lifting Equipment During Maintenance (Hoists, Chains, Slings)
Failure to Comply PoA -PTW system / Work Notification
Failure to comply with site rules
Fall from height
Fall into water
Fire/Explosion Incident
First Aid Case
Fly tipping (Illegal waste dumping )
Health/Wellbeing Concern
Injured by an animal
Injured while handling, lifting or carrying
Intoxicated behavior / Drug or Alcohol Abuse
IT Failure
Machinery/Hull Failure
Marine Collision
Marine Contact (Allision)
Marine Fire /Explosion
Marine Incident (Near Miss)
Marine Less Serious Casualty
Marine Machine Failure
Marine Other Onboard Incident
Marine Pollution
Marine safety Observation
Marine Serious Casualty
Marine Very Serious Casualty
Medical Treatment (MTC)
Mooring Line Failure
Noise, light, odour, vibration or other nuisance
Object Overboard
Other Onboard Incident
Other type of incident
Person Overboard
Personal protective equipment (PPE) non-compliance
Pilot ladder damage
PoA LTI (Lost Time Injury )
Pollution of water courses, surface water drains, foul water sewers
Positive Observation -Action/ Condition
Restricted Work Days
Safety Concern
Security Breach /Security Incident or Unusual Behavior/Concerned Individual.
Slip, Trip and Fall on same level
Spillage, leakage, or uncontrolled discharge of substance
Strike against something fixed/stationary
Struck by moving vehicle
Struck by moving, including flying/falling, object
Suspicious Package
Traffic Issue
Traffic Violation
Trapped by Something Collapsing/Overturning
Tripping on Uneven Surfaces or Loose Cables
Unattended Vehicle/Equipment
Unauthorised Access/Trespassing
Unauthorised Mooring or Vessel Entry
Unauthorised parking
Uncontrolled Swing of Suspended Work Platforms
Unsafe Access and egress
Unsafe Condition lack of Maintenance
Unsafe Lifting/Rigging
Unsafe Mooring/Line Handling
Unsafe Observation (Specify)
Unsafe Positioning of Gangway
Unsafe Storage and Stacking
Unsafe Storage of Containers/Skips
Unsafe Transportation/Unsecured Load
Unsafe Working at Height
Unsecured Load Incident (Cargo Shift on Deck/Quay Side)
Unstable Work Platforms (eg MEWPs - Mobile Elevating Work Platforms)
Use of Mobile Phone Whilst Driving
Waste Management
Water Leakage or Pipe Burst Leading to Injuries
Weather Hazards (Rain, Snow, High Winds Impacting Operations)
Wet Surfaces from Rain or Water Supply Operations
Wildlife Disruption (Marine Mammals, Seabirds)
Worker Fatigue/Overexertion Incident
Working in Remote Port Areas Without Immediate Medical Access
Description of Incident*
Action taken at the time*
Root cause category*
Crew failed to utilise the correct type of fairlead for the tugs line.
Crew Fatigue
Defective tools or machinery
Environmental Factors (e.g., currents, visibility)
Equipment failure /Equipment Malfunction
External Factors
Failure of Port Infrastructure
Failure to comply with Port regulations
Failure to follow standard operating procedures (SOPs)
Failure to maintain
Failure to provide suitable and sufficient risk assessment
Failure to tend lines, incorrect procedures
GDPR Breach
Human error - Lapse
Human error - Violation
Human error process failure
Inadequate coordination between different teams or departments
Inadequate design of workplace and equipment (Unsafe work environment)
Inadequate Emergency Response Procedures
Inadequate implementation of safety management system
Inadequate Inspection of Vessels or Equipment
Inadequate Lighting
Inadequate Maintenance of Equipment or Infrastructure
Inadequate Risk Assessment or Risk Management
Inadequate Training of Crew Members
Incorrect maneuvering procedures
Incorrect Navigation
Insufficient training on specific equipment or procedures
Lack of adequate supervision
Lack of co-operation
Lack of communication
Lack of competence
Lack of oversight or supervision
Lapse error whilst manoeuvring
Medical Emergencies
Misunderstandings or unclear instructions
Overloading or Improper Loading
Poor Communication Between Crew Members or with Port Authorities
Poor Weather Conditions
Security breaches or unauthorized access
Structural deficiencies or weaknesses
Structural Failure of Equipment
Supply Chain Disruptions
Training and familiarisation.
Underwater Infrastructure Damage
Unfamiliarity with maritime environment
Unfamiliarly with Maritime environment.
Unsafe Practices (e.g., shortcuts, ignoring safety protocols)
Details of root cause of the incident (if known)
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